Welcome to the Website
We are experts on quality plastic pallets, GCPAL plastic pallets have proven quality in some of the biggest companies in Indonesia and we provide the best plastic pallet solutions.

We always try to provide the best solution regarding customer needs


The production process uses quality machines and technology


Don't hesitate to contact us at the contacts that are already available

Mengapa Kami ?

GCPAL Plastic Pallet sebagai pelopor spesialis pallet plastik yang memberikan konsultasi dalam aplikasi penggunaan pallet plastik baik dari hulu ke hilir pallet plastik tersebut digunakan dan perawatannya oleh tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman selama 20 Tahun dibidang pallet plastik. Keterbukaan kualitas, material dan harga yang kompetitif menjadikan GCPAL Plastic Pallet dipercaya oleh banyak Perusahaan besar baik perusahaan swasta Domestik, Multi Nasional dan BUMN di Indonesia.

Jaminan kami untuk kepuasan pelanggan telah terbukti selama bertahun-tahun dan masih akan terus berlanjut di masa depan.

Kami akan terus berkomitmen dalam melakukan pengembangan kualitas maupun kuantitas produk serta service after sales yang memberikan excellent experience bagi setiap pelanggan di masa yang akan datang.


Solution for your Industrial Warehouse


Our plastic pallets are manufactured using high-quality materials and high-tech plastic injection machines. Pallet structures designed to withstand loads according to the standard capacity of various products.

Ready Stock

Our plastic pallet products have a stock capacity that is always ready and we can send them directly to all of our customers.

Service After Sales

We are committed to hearing complaints about our products and are willing to replace damaged goods in accordance with applicable regulations.

The plastic pallets that we sell are very hygienic and easy to clean,
help your company to meet the regulatory standards below:
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